Our Team

Meet the Founders


Lynde Griggs


I am a follower of Jesus, a wife of 30 years to Shane and a mom of two beautiful girls (and two son in laws), Haley and Shannon. In 2006, our family went on a short mission trip to Monterrey, Mexico. That trip opened the door for me to say yes to a second trip, so in 2008, I traveled with my youngest daughter's youth group to Reynosa, Mexico.  On that trip, I was given the sweet privilege to share the gospel with a 13 year old girl, Brenda, on a dusty Mexican street. That moment changed my life and as a broken, flawed woman I realized for the first time that God wanted to use me to share His hope, love and worth to others.

To date, I have been blessed to have traveled to 8 countries on 15 different trips sharing the love of Jesus and seeing lives given to the Lord. It was in 2016, after leading a by women for women short-term mission trip to Guatemala that the Lord impressed upon me to start an all women's mission organization. I am beyond ecstatic about Belle and Sparrows. I am certain the Lord has used my ten years on church staff in both student and women's ministries, and my need for Jesus and desire for him to be known, as a catalyst for Belle and Sparrows. Empowering women to know their own worth and to share the love of Christ to other women is the heart of who we are and what we do. To God be the glory!


Tiffany Utech


I am a Jesus lover, connoisseur of queso and a mom of a BUNCH of kids through birth, adoption and marriage! Recently becoming a “Fancy” to the three sweetest grand daughters has been the most precious gift God has blessed me with! When I was sixteen I felt called to missions. I went on my first mission trip as a teen and have had the opportunity to go on many others since then.  It has also been my privilege to live locally on mission serving families and children in the foster care system and those aging out of care in the US.  As an adult,  I completed my Masters degree in Human Services and Marriage and Family Counseling while serving in ministry. I have had the opportunity to host many women of all ages and backgrounds in my home and watch them find their worth in the Lord.

Through fostering many children, and adopting three (one Internationally) I know in my heart that if the mother is reached and changed, the outcome of her children can be different.  I am SO excited about Belle and Sparrows opportunity to train up young women before they are mothers, help those that are mothers know they are worthy,  and pour into all women the love that Jesus has poured into me.  I very easily could have become a statistic, but I had people fighting for me, praying for me,  and helping me get out of a pit of despair and I KNOW I am called to do this very thing for women in our own backyard and around the world! 


Board & Staff


Terri Cook

Board Member
Chief of Finance Management

Vanessa Gardner

Board Member
Director of Programs & Services

Carmen Caccavale

Board Member
Director of Strategic Planning


Keisha Jones

Advisory Committee

Mindy Purcell

Advisory Committee

Diane Zaia

Advisory Committee